Stressed out, Really?
Certain things bring about calmness in my mind. Just penning them here. A long walk along the beach, sea breeze brushing my face, stroking my hair gently. Sitting there in solitude and gazing at the waves, its gushing sound reminding me that I am not alone Watching sunrise or sunset and observing the canvas Mother Nature created in the sky. The hues, the pattern, the calmness...Ah!total bliss. Watching movement of a school of fish or petting a dog Standing for a long time in the balcony, overlooking the bustling streets, devotional songs from an adjacent temple being played in the background, the fragrance of camphor, the chirping of birds... Watching Tom and Jerry, laughing out on the pranks played by Jerry. An assurance that no matter how much destruction one does to another or how smudgy the characters become, they bounce back to normalcy. Whipping a recipe of which I have got no clue, concocting with available veggies and spices Writi...