Linguistic immortality

Language has always been a vital tool for communication.We are indeed lucky to have so many words at our disposal-To explain,define an object or idea or to communicate.
Having come across many words originated from Greek and Latin as in root words or likewise,certain people were responsible for the origin of some words .

We have boycotted many people,objects and events out of disgust and exasperation
From our lives.The word ‘Boycott’ owes its origin to Charles C Boycott,an English land agent,who had a thoroughly difficult task of collecting high rent from Irish farmers.In
protest the farmers ostracized him,not even allowing him to make purchases in town
or hire workers to harvest his crops and the word boycott entered into usage to denote ostracism.
The word ‘silhouette’ came into popular usage just before the French revolution.The then Minister of Finance Minister of France,Etienne de Silhouette,advocated a simple life so that excess money could go into the treasury.from then silhouette meant the simplest form of portraiture.
Everyone hate to be referred to as 'Sadists',meaning one who enjoys inflicting torture
on other people.This term was derived from Marquis De Sade an 18th century French man who found great delight in torturing friends and foes.He shocked everyone by alarming frankness with which he described hisd Morbid and bloodthirsty cruelty.Hence
Inflicting torture on others came to be called as 'sadistic pleasure'.

In 1868,R.J Lechmere Guppy,President of the scientific association of Trinidad
Sent some specimen of a tiny tropical fish to the British Museum.Ever since,fish of this species are called Guppies.
Jean Martinet was the inspector General of Infantry during the reign of King Louis
XIV-and a stricter,more fanactic drillmaster France had never was from his time
That the French Army’s reputation for discipline dated and it is from this the name
Martinet meaning a strict discliplinarian has been derived.
Nicolas Chauvin,soldier of the French Empire,so vociferously and unceasingly aired his veneration of Nepolean Bonaparte that he became the laughing stock of all Europe.
Thereafter an exaggerated and blatant patriot was and still known as Chauvinist.
Chauvinism,by natural extension applies to blatant veneration or boastfulness about any other affliliation desides one’s country.
Thanks to Google to help me and an article I happened to read which inspired me.I welcome further words to be penned down by Bloggers!!!
Another previous post Slip Of tongue is one to cite.


Anonymous said…
hey vaish maaaa. your info is very good. except little spelling mistakes there everything alright. but some english words are heavy to understand for me. though i got to know overall meaning
Labakku Das said…
Hey vaish nice post..
btw kahan chup rahe ho aaj kal?? koi murder karke hiding kyaa?? :P

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