Rock, Paper, Scissors

Paper wraps rock
Rock crushes scissors
Scissors cut paper

If I may ask which of them is strongest what would you answer?

Rock? but paper covers rock
Paper? but Scissors cut paper
Scissors? but Rock crushes scissors

All of them are unique and strong in their own ways. Its just the perspective.

Just because you don't qualify in some top notch company's interviews does not mean you are not strong. You are unique and will definitely fit in some place.
Don't give up. Good luck.

Post verbatim Karthik. Thank you for cheering me and having confidence in me.


KrystalKlear said…
I din't phrase it this well but I thought this is what I told you 1 yr back??
Lakshmipathy said…
i liked it. This reminded me of a story where a lemon thought that apple was liked by so many people then it changed itself to apple. people started to like orange then it changed itself to orange. Atlast lemon realized that it had its own set of people who liked lemon.
Dainty Damsel said…
@Krystalpardon my ignorance Pree. Thanks for sharing albeit in a different way.

@lpathy: Thanks for stopping by. Will be motivated to write more. Hold on to it.
KParthasarathi said…
A nice message interestingly brought out.Each one of us has a special skill or strength waiting to be discovered and utilised.

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