Vini Vidi Vici

The valiant voice of a valetudinarian finally rises vehemently in vapid speech pondering beyond the veil killng off vestige of potential passion woken from delirium by the vociferous clan, his visage contorted in anguish.Having no viable verdict in an attempt to vivify all in experience that engage his heart and intellects and after many vicissitudes of fortune sunk into abject and hopeless problems in veritable terms.
Finding no answer and having changed position to the veranda still having not got any viable response wrung hands and erased the eerie trying to vividly remember about the voluptuary virtuoso who had been so virtuous was bit by a virulent creature wincing in pain for sometime before venialling the creature. Trying to veer my thoughts I thought about him,a vegan by nature vermilion smeared on his forehead ,highly voluble and veracious who loved velvetten ,a vexillology hobbist,a humble vaudevillian veteran vowing to vanquish vice,never vacillates and hardly vacuous,versatile genius in modest terms , as a vox populi who despised vendetta politics was given a valedictory status as a person at his chivalrous best on whom all had deep veneration for he provided new vista's but has many a time been vulnerable to vicissitudes of fate.The degree of verisimilitude in the work was consistent and worth appreciating.Often seated in his verdant lawns, a voracious reader being victrious in life vouched for truth and never vented his woes.The cubicle now in the office lies vacant vanishing the thoughts of a person vis-à-vis me who loved vichyssoise and Vichy water.The verbiage veering verbosity who was on the verge of losing life never a visitation of vexation does not lie vetti on his couch at his villa but caught up with a vede mecum to provide explanation for some strange turn of thoughts.Voila,the very thought of him getting better makes me happy who called me verve vaishnavi.

P.S.:Just made an attempt to write this complicated stuff.Nosegays and brickbats are welcomed.vhevvvvvv!!!


Unknown said…
Very much appreciated and never knew there are so much vords are there with V..
God Krishna said…
very good!!! n vell done :D
Dainty Damsel said…
thanks for the appreciation :)
nice to see words with w being converted to 'v' ;)

keep visiting
Serendipity said…
whoa ! Had to consult the dictionary and reread the post a couple of times to comprehend the post.
Had this feeling that I was gong through a dense RC exercise:D

But loved the post for it has made the best use of words and some of these make the post brief but convey more than what strings of words cant and versimilitudes is one of my fav words in the eng lang and hardly anyone uses it:)
merekho kuch samaj nahi ayya!!
merekho angrezi nahi athi hein..
am poor @ english....
can u convert the whole post in simple lang....[:d]
Life said…
@sandy there is nothing to understand buddy,it is TP
Dainty Damsel said…
@Serendipity:thanks for ur appreciation dear.All words starting with V are my favourites ;)

@sandeep:Its pretty much understandable.Give another shot.:)
@vikas:what's a tp? :-/
@hiren:haha good one

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